Hello, my name is Carl Sebastian Marnewick

I'm a web designer

Hi, hope you are having an amazing day! Enjoy reading a bit about me and how my journey started!

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About Me

I'm Carl Sebastian Marnewick and I'm a Software Engineer

My love for IT was sparked by my grandmother, she gave computer lessons in the early 2000's where people were still learning how to use basic things such as Word and Excel. This is where I had my first ever experience with technology and where I grew to love it. As the years passed and I got older, my passion grew like a forest fire. I love learning new things and challenging myself. I work well in groups and have had my fair share of being a leader. One of my favorite quotes from Jack Welsch sums it up. “Before you are a leader, success is about growing yourself – when you become a leader, success is about growing others.”

Birthday : 16 November 2001

Age : 22

GitHub Profile : https://github.com/BubbleGumWarior

Degree : Bachelor of Computing

City : Johannesburg/Pretoria

Email : sebastian.marnewick@gmail.com

Phone : 078 584 2531



2020 - 2023

Bachelors Degree (NQF Level 8)

I started studying at Belgium Campus in January 2020 to do my Software Engineer Degree. In 2021 I was part of the Student Representative Council, my role in the council was Disciplanary.

2015 - 2019

Hoërskool Linden

I attended Hoërskool Linden, I matriculated with the following subjects: Mathematics, Afrikaans Home Language, English First Additional Language, Life Orientation, Physics & Chemistry, Information Technology, Visual Arts.

2020 - Present

Self-Taught Coding

During my free-time I sometimes code small things for me and my friends. This includes discord bots (Both Javascript and Python) and a website for us to easily play one of our hobbies (Dungeons and Dragons.) All of the coding for these personal projects I learnt either through Youtube, W3Schools or GitHub Repositories.


November 2022 - Current

Software Engineer at 5DT

I have been working as a software engineer at Fifth Dimensional Technologies developing training simulators. I have worked in Lua to create the digital machine and the world and physics it uses. I have worked with C++ to make components for that vehicle. I have worked with React and python to help with the AI system called ReVue. Here I have also learned a lot about product manangement, team work and work ethic.

January 2020 - May 2023

Hockey Umpire

A referee for hockey is called an Umpire. I have umpired for Southern Gauteng Hockey Association (SGHA), HJ Cup, Junior Hockey League (JHL) and SG Junior Indoor.

November - December 2019

Filling Clerk at Kruger International

During my December Vacations while in school I always tried getting a job. Kruger International taught me important parts of a business you never see. These things include the saving and sorting of all their client's data.

November - December 2016

Filling Clerk at PSG Consultants

I got this job through a personal contact that worked there. This part-time job meant a lot for me, it was my first real job experience. The memories and lessons I learnt there will never be forgotten.


Project Management

I have been taught Project Management as a subject at Belgium Campus, additionally being part of the Student Representative Council (SRC) I have learnt valuable skills working in group projects.

Web Developer

On top of being taught at Belgium Campus, I have picked up multiple personal projects and designed a few websites with friends.

Database Manager

I have a solid understanding of databases and SQL mostly due to Belgium Campus, however in my personal projects I have worked with databases as well.

Fullstack Developer

My experience with coding is diverse. I have coded in Angular (Includes HTML, JavaScript, TypeScript & CSS), C#, Python, C++, ASP.NET Core, Delphi & Java Web Tokens.

Group work

Due to being part of the Student Council and working at 5DT I have learnt valuable skills in both leading a project and also taking orders.


I have worked in multiple groups both at campus and off. Most of my experience comes from leading successful projects in the SRC, and playing sports (Hockey and Volleyball). With all of those combined I have learnt valuable skills when it comes to taking charge and maintaining harmony in the team.


My Latest Projects:

Discord Javascript Bot

Discord Python Bot

Contact Me

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I'm at your service

Call Me On

078 584 2531





GitHub Profile


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